Easy Ageless Life Hacks to Make 60 the New 40 Ageless Gourmet

The goal for Ageless Gourmet is to show you some important yet easy ageless life hacks to make 60 the new 40. One of the first things we have to do is get you less dependent on toxins. So here are some useful, healthy Ageless life hacks to dial into your daily life.

Easy Ageless Life Hacks:

  1. Buy organic – the sooner you start buying organic, the sooner your body will flush out those toxins you’ve been ingesting and storing in your fat cells, and the less money you’ll have to spend on cancer treatments in the future; it’s time to give your liver a much needed break;Easy Ageless Life Hacks to Make 60 the New 40
  2. Add coconut oil, MCT oil, cinnamon, cayenne and cocoa powder to your morning coffee – this is a great way to get a big shot of antioxidants every morning and make your coffee taste fabulous; the coconut and MCT oils are for your brain and liver, the cinnamon is for your brain and heart; the cayenne is for circulation and heart; and the cocoa powder is also for your brain;Easy Ageless Life Hacks to Make 60 the New 40
  3. Use coconut oil for deodorant – its a natural antimicrobial and anti-bacterial that kills the bacteria what would cause odor; I’ve used it as my deodorant for about 3 years now, and haven’t been disappointed yet; it doesn’t stain your clothes, you’ll never have razor burn and it keeps you from putting toxic metals on your skin that soak into your lymph nodes and cause breast cancer – just sayin’;organic coconut oil, Easy Ageless Life Hacks to Make 60 the New 40, Ageless Gourmet
  4. Plant herbs in pots – you’ll always have access to fresh herbs that are high in antioxidants every time you cook;
  5. Use peppermint oil as bug repellent – bugs hate the smell, and keeps you from putting poison on your skin, which soaks in requiring your poor liver to deal with it; it smells strong when first applied, but the scent dissipates, and you don’t get bit by mosquitos.


The sooner you dial these Easy Ageless Life Hacks into your day, the sooner you will make 60 the new 40. Seriously, you will wonder why you didn’t know this sooner.

Note to self: use the coconut oil as a hand cream. After putting it in your coffee, put some on the back of your hand and nail beds. It soaks in fast, and you’ll wonder why no one’s told you about this before.

Until next time,

Be Ageless! Be Happy!
